About Us
The Bronx Regional Health Information Organization (Bronx RHIO) is a clinical information exchange established by the borough’s leading healthcare organizations. Participants include hospitals, health systems, ambulatory care centers, individual physician offices, long-term care, home care, and community and other organizations. Collectively, these providers deliver the vast majority of the healthcare received by the borough’s 1.4 million residents, including over 95% of the borough’s annual hospital discharges, over 600,000 annual Emergency Department visits and 4.5 million annual ambulatory care visits. The Bronx RHIO participates in the Statewide Health Information Network for New York (the “SHIN-NY”).
The Bronx RHIO’s mission is to build a secure, interoperable health information exchange that will make it possible for patients’ medical records to follow them wherever they go for health services in the Bronx. The health information exchange will achieve this by integrating clinical information drawn from multiple sources and sites into a virtual medical record that will be available to authorized users. The Bronx RHIO is committed to supporting the exchange of health information in New York through the SHIN-NY.
The Bronx RHIO’s vision is to create a health information exchange that will transform healthcare delivery in the Bronx to a patient-centered, rational, cost-effective system. Patients and clinicians will have vital health information when and where it is needed, enabling significant improvements to be achieved in patient safety, health outcomes and practice efficiencies.